All the Triangular UFOs of the USA
TR3 A «Sportster»

Sportster was inspired by an “extraterrestrial” model which was found intact on
May 20th, 1953 with Kingman in Arizona. If information in possession of Roeder
does not speak owing to the fact that dead or alive extraterrestrial entities
“were recovered” on this occasion, they highlight the fact that this machine and
this technology belonged to a race of aliens being connected with the Gray,
namely the “classical” version of 1m20 covered of a combination very grinding of
the same gray color as their skin.

Jean marc Roeder engineer, puts forth the hypothesis that the US soldiers
undoubtedly could lay hands on other vessels of this type (what Corso also
affirms) but it holds for certain that the technology which equipped it was
sufficiently studied and understood so that the machine “was reproduced with
identical or in a form simplified at the end of the Eighties”.
Roeder also specifies that denomination TR3A indicates another secret top machine of the American military arsenal, namely a hypersonic missile with propulsion EMHD of which speed and the range are quite higher than the classical missiles.
For the facility of the matter, this model of flying disc of “extraterrestrial”
inspiration which can be driven at supraluminic speeds, will be baptized TR3A
Sportster (model sport). It was conceived within the framework of a program says

If the date of “capture” of Sportster goes back to 1953, it will have been
possible for the soldiers to control one of the machines captured only at the
beginning of the year 1971. Why such a time between the date of “capture” and
the first trial flights, i.e. a little less than 20 years? Undoubtedly that it
will have taken all this time for the engineers to understand how the vessel
functioned and especially, how to adapt the cockpit to human measurements
definitely more imposing than those of small the Gray.
The engineers would have been able to install two seats in a space of piloting which is below the space of piloting of origin. This one would have been configured to adapt the cameras, sensors etc… which make it possible to the pilots to have a sight external of their environment since Sportster just like the ARV does not have “port-holes” and other canopies making it possible to see at outside.
The engineers would have been able to install two seats in a space of piloting which is below the space of piloting of origin. This one would have been configured to adapt the cameras, sensors etc… which make it possible to the pilots to have a sight external of their environment since Sportster just like the ARV does not have “port-holes” and other canopies making it possible to see at outside.

With regard to piloting itself, the device is handled with the same process of manual piloting as the ARV Flow Liner, the “Track Ball”, an electronic interface, left sphere provided with sensors whose pilot controls the movements with the palm of the hand, the device obeying the movements transmitted to the system by the hand of the pilot. At the beginning, it seems that the system of control of Sportster was indissociable of the extraterrestrial pilot since the cerebral waves of Alien operated the machine.
The extraterrestrial entity was to some extent the pilot, the computer and the heart of the machine. This assertion of Jean Marc Roeder resembles the remarks of other witnesses and soldiers who expressed themselves on certain extraterrestrial UFOs recovered by the soldiers (like David Adair). For example, Colonel Corso affirmed that the Gray could not be separate their vessels since they were the central part, the intelligence, the heart. Reason for which the engineers did not manage to make function some of the intact UFOs however recovered.

For the little story, it is prickly to note that screenwriters of the series “Taken” produced by Steven Spielberg, supposed to recall the way in which an occult group of soldiers adapted the technology of extraterrestrial also alluded to the fact that one of the recovered machines remained completely inactive in spite of the efforts of the engineers.
They thus had need for extraterrestrial alive. They made various experiments, in particular with a couple of binoculars medium, an unfruitful experiment which leads to their deaths. There is extremely to bet that the screenwriters have doubtless to surf between myths and realities.

With regard to the generator of energy and the operating process of Sportster, one is vis-a-vis a system of antigravitation completely different from all that we already evoked before. A rather complex system that Jean-Marc Roeder explains in detail but that it seems to us too difficult to restore in some lines to seize the mechanism intuitively of it.
What we can say, it is that the shape of the hull, its internal structures, the metal alloys (unknown for Roeder) strongly take part in the startup of the antigravitationnelles properties of the TR3A Sportster.

It is thus about a high frequency power supply drawn from this famous “element 115”, which is presented in the form of a “aperiodic crystal”.
“The second essential component of Sportster is a set of three directional waveguides located in the lower compartment of the vessel. Each guide of wave understands a stacking of six electromagnetic lenses of focusing making it possible to make converge a wave front at an unspecified distance from the waveguide. These electromagnetic waves generated by the waveguide are not classical electromagnetic waves but scalar waves…”
These famous scalar waves which are essential to the antigravitation. Each waveguide, each stacking of lenses is directional independently or in association, which allows, so “to direct” the vessel at will. The combination of these two systems (Element 115 and waveguides) makes it possible the machine to find its energy, to move at will.
To take again what Roeder says, “the generator of Sportster first of all creates between the two hulls “uniform film a” of standing waves which cancel the mass and the inertia of the vessel. The three waveguides create then one or more thrust axes ensuring the propulsion and the orientation of the vessel”.
The system of propulsion of Sportster has some disadvantages when it is in “repulsive” mode (and not in field of torsion) at low altitude: it functions only near planet, is unstable at low speed and is sensitive to the conditions weather. “Is besides to attenuate this instability that Sportster rotates to approximately three turns a second when it flies at very low speed. To fly at supraluminic speed, Sportster makes converge its three waveguides towards a distant point in order to carry out an instantaneous jump towards this point by creating a field of torsion”.
The vessel, of supraluminic speed can move only by small successive jumps not to enter in collision with an object, an unspecified obstacle of bigger size than the saucer. At the time when it makes converge its three waveguides in only one point (like three spots of light converging towards only one target) and passes of supraluminic speed, the machine becomes transparent, almost invisible.
This device would have been used during the War of the Gulf “Deserted Storm” in 1991 within the framework of an operation of destruction of Iraqi tanks.
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